Part 2: Hip Stability
Navigating stability can be tricky, particularly when it comes to assessments. While stability is characteristically a subjective measure, we need to be able to somewhat objectively identify instability. Note that with any stability measure, there should always be elements of objective (quantitative) and subjective (qualitative) data available. Both need to be considered.

3 Things You Must Check When Assessing Low Back Pain (Part 2/3)

“If you aren’t assessing, you’re guessing”.
Instagram.. muddles quality information with pseudoscience. This makes understanding what to assess, address and change in our programming confusing, especially when it pertains to pain.

3 Things You Must Check When Assessing Low Back Pain (Part 1/3)

Let’s start at the bottom of the body – the ankle – and discuss how a lack of mobility here is often the hidden culprit behind low back pain. Before we dive into why, I want you to ask yourself these questions…

How Your Ankles Could Be Causing Your Low Back Pain

It only takes one week for strength to start to decline. Exercise improves low back pain. Pain medication as well as heat/ice packs only temporarily mask the pain.

Low Back Pain – The Cause or the Symptom?

1. Volume (Load x Number of Reps)
When we talk volume, we aren’t just talking reps x load in a single session, but the total number of reps over the week or month.

Why Using Weight As A Progression Marker Is Hindering Your Performance & 7 Ways You Should Be Measuring Your Progress Instead!

Shakira got it wrong. Hips do lie. They are a pain in the butt… or more accurately, the lower back. So here is your quick anatomy lesson (Hey, you gotta learn something new every day right?).
The hips (pelvis) and lumbar spine are major attachment sites for dozens of muscles and other soft-tissue structures. Let’s delve into what they do and how they’re impacting on your lower back pain…

Hips DO Lie and they’re the cause of your low back pain…

“Wow, you’re so lucky.”
Here’s the thing. I don’t believe in luck. Someone somewhere once said, “Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity”.
So let me tell you how my “luck” came about.

How I came to train a World Champ… and you can too!

As a health professional in the fitness space, no matter how much you think you know, there is always more to learn.
This takes time. Time I want to save you. Read more for 4 tips all Personal Trainers MUST know!

Changing the Fitness Industry…

We all have a choice. A choice to make a typical day one where our female athletes are epitomised for the capabilities of their bodies, rather than criticised for their cellulite. A choice to make a typical day one in which women are judged on their values, not their clothes size.

LADIES: Appearance is everything…

I believe that Swift Movement is functional movement. I believe that without quality movement foundations, we will never come close to reaching our full potential. That’s why I’m so passionate about Swift Movement Academy and what it represents.

The Swift Movement…

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9 best

Defined as being able to move freely and unrestricted, mobility forms the foundation of human movement.
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