
Unleashing Performance: Why Training Your Adductors is Essential for Strength and Performance

In this article, we’ll explore the importance of adductor training for strength and performance, and how it can take your athletic abilities to the next level.


Unlocking Your Full Potential: The Importance of Ankle Mobility

In this article, we will explore the importance of ankle range of motion for compound exercises and provide scientific references to support these claims.


Quad vs Glute Strengthening for Patellofemoral Pain

To continue reading this blog on the Physio Network website: CLICK HERE


The 3 Pillars of Training

You genuinely want to be maximising your workouts and giving yourself the best chance to succeed. You also don’t want to waste time by doing anything redundant. Here are what I, and many experts in the industry, believe the 3 Pillars of Training to be.


How Should We Define Strength?

Is it lifting 200kg off the ground or a double bodyweight squat? Are either of these the only definition? Is that the true crux of strength or is it something more than that? Something beyond the mere physical, beyond a black and white definition, something intangible.