
Exercise Physiology and Physiotherapy: What is the difference and how does each help you?

When it comes to improving physical health and recovering from injuries, two fields play crucial roles: exercise physiology and physiotherapy.


Unleashing Your Squat Potential: Overcoming Ankle Mobility Barriers

In this article, we will explore the importance of ankle mobility in squats and provide effective strategies to overcome ankle mobility barriers, helping you unlock your squatting potential.


Exercise During Rehabilitation: The Benefits for Your Recovery

Whether you’re recovering from an injury, illness, or surgery, incorporating exercise into your rehabilitation program can make a significant difference in your recovery.


ACL Tear Recovery: Do You Know About Exercise Rehabilitation as an Effective Non-Surgical Treatment?

Have you ever heard of an ACL injury? In this blog post, we’ll explore the importance of exercise physiologists in ACL non-surgical exercise rehabilitation, and why you might want to consider working with one if you’re dealing with an ACL injury.